After beginning treatment, many cancer patients report feeling cold all of the time, no matter what the weather. Sunbeam® is proud to launch the Supports with Warmth campaign, providing the Canadian Cancer Society with heated blankets and financial assistance in support of its patient transportation programs, such as Wheels of Hope in Ontario. Through this program, we hope to provide added warmth and comfort to those battling cancer and relying on this important service.
In 2014/2015, Sunbeam® will donate 75,000 kilometers to the Canadian Cancer Society’s Wheels of Hope program, plus contribute heated throws in a welcome package to new Wheels of Hope patients.
For more than 50 years, the Canadian Cancer Society Ontario Division’s Wheels of Hope program has enabled patients to focus on fighting cancer and not on how they will get to their treatment. This program, the only one of its kind in Ontario, provides assistance to those living with cancer who need to travel to cancer-specific medical appointments. For cancer fighters – many without access to a vehicle or immune system strong enough to take public transit – it is one of the most critical patient programs.
- One in five Wheels of Hope clients say that they would miss appointments if not for this program.
- Last year there were 2,533 volunteers who drove approximately 13 million kilometers across Ontario alone.
- In Alberta, the generous volunteer team drove almost 450,000 kilometers across the province.
Patients registered with the Wheels of Hope transportation service are picked up and taken to their appointment by a volunteer driver. This shared-ride program not only provides transportation but also offers a friendly, supportive environment along the way.